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DC Protocol Handling v1.031 July 16, 2004
DC Command Handling for the Bot and Support Script
DC Command How is it handled?
$GetINFO Ignored by the Script.

Bot sends this command to Hubs without a Support Script for users who are in the $NickList but have not sent a $MyINFO

$SR If the Script receives a Passive Search Response ending with "DCHL<PASSIVEUSER>" then it forwards that result to the Hub-Link Bot so it can be sent to <PASSIVEUSER>.


$NickList Ignored by the Script.

When the Bot receives a $NickList from a hub it adds the usernames to the Hub-Link Userlist.

$OpList Ignored by the Script.

When the Bot receives an $OpList from a hub updates those usernames to show as OPS in the Hub-Link Userlist.

The Bot also relays a list of all Network Admins and Network Operators to all connected hubs.


$GetNickList Ignored by the Script when sent by the Bot.

When sent by a user who is an Operator and the Bot is online then a $MyINFO record for OPChat is sent to the User.

If the User has sent a $MyINFO then it forwards the request for a $NickList to the Bot.


$ConnectToMe Ignored by the Script when sent by the Bot or to a user who is Online in the Hub.

When sent to a User who is not online the request is forwarded to the Bot.


$RevConnectToMe Ignored by the Script when sent by the Bot or to a user who is Online in the Hub.

When sent to a User who is not online the request is forwarded to the Bot.


$Search Ignored by the Script.

The Bot forwards all search requests to all other hubs.
"$Search" is replaced with "$#SRQ" for Active Requests.
"$Search Hub:" is replaced with "$#SRP Hub:DCHL" for Passive Requests.

$#SRQ <SearcherIP>:<SearcherPort> <SearchString>|

$#SRP Hub:DCHL<SearcherNick> <SearchString>|

$To If the message is sent to OpChat then it is forwarded to the Bot and relayed to all Ops in the hub excluding the user who sent the message, the Bot, and any Op who has elected to turn off OpChat.

If the message is sent to AdminChat then it is forwarded to the Bot.

If the message is sent to the Bot, then the Script checks the message to see if OpChat in the hub is to be turned ON/OFF for the User.
The Bot also checks these PM's to see if they are commands for Hub-Link to process.

If the recipient is not Online in the current hub then the script sends it to the Bot.
*Since Other scripts registered on the hub are not "Online" in NMDC a list is kept to identify them. The list this is checked and nothing is sent to the Bot for PM's to names in that list.




$Hello  If sent by the Bot then it is relayed to every other user on the hub.

$Quit If sent by the Bot then it is relayed to every other user on the hub.

$MyINFO When the script see this command it checks the Byte following the Connection Type and if = Chr(108) it adds that name to the local Bots dictionary (oDCHLBots).

$OpForceMove Ignored by the Script if sent by the Bot or to a user who is Online in the Hub.


$Kick Ignored by the Script if sent by the Bot or to a user who is Online in the Hub.


<Main Chat> Ignored by the Script

The Bot tests if it's from a blocked user or contains blocked text. If not then the message is forwarded to other hubs.


$UserIP The NMDC script returns "$UserIP <USERNAME> <USERIP>|" When the request is received from <USERNAME>.